Sunday, November 4, 2012

RA#3 Kimmel

Title: “Bros Before Hos”: The Guy code Author: Michael Kimmel Topic: To explain how guys operate and to explain the rules guys use to maintain their reputation and not become a mammas boy. Exigence: To make it aware to others what young men do to themselves just so they seem cool. Intended Audience: Other teens and Adults. Purpose: To try and explain what steps are in this process to maintain their reputation. Claim: Men are to wound up in their own reputation and how obvious their masculinity is so they are not deemed a mamas boy. Writers Strategy #1: Kimmel uses Exemplification in his essay to help depict the effects of the Guy Code. When Kimmel is talking about how a young boy and his father are in a barbershop and some styling chemicals burn his scalp he starts to cry, the barber says, “This boy’s a wimp”(615). With this description you get a feeling as to how harsh men are to other men or should I say boys because this child was only three and a half. Writers Effect #1: This example is one of many that make an impression on you and make you think about how guys try to make others not wimps or mammas boys. The father of this boy later tells his mother that she can not spend much time with her own son after that point because she was emasculating him. Writers Strategy #2: Kimmel uses Definition to spell out the actual “Real Guy’s Top Ten List”. The list consists of things like: “Boys Don’t Cry”, “Take It Like A Man”, “Size Matters” and “Nice Guys Finish Last”. He says that all ten of these rules make a guy who he is and if they cant live up to them then they are less masculine. Writers Effect #2: By reading this list of rules it makes me glad that I am not like these other guys who lives up to such stupid rules. Some of them are true like “Take it like a man” but the others are for guys fighting to be considered the most masculine. Writers Strategy #3: Kimmel uses Compare and Contrast to draw the line between masculinity and femininity. Basically if you are not following the list of ten guy rules, are a mommas boy, a sissy, gay or any other combination you then you not a masculine man and more like a girl. Writers Effect #3: Before I read this article I never thought that men and women were separated solely on what was being described in Kimmel’s essay.
 Response: I enjoyed this essay because it gave me a new perspective on the way that I view men, women, children and the actions that separate them all. I also think that there is a certain amount of bias in how people think that men and boys act to make them masculine. I personally think that spending time with your mother or being raised by your mother emasculates you. Kimmel mentioned the rapper Eminem and referred to him as being masculine but little did Kimmel know his mother raised him.

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